15 Giugno 2022

INternational, INgenious, INspirINg, carINg, connectINg, distINctive, sustaINable, origINal, INdispensable, INnnovative, fascINatINg Discover why industry... i...

At the Entrepreneurs’ Reception 2022, Heiner Oberrauch, the President of Unternehmerverband Südtirol/Assoimprenditori Alto Adige, emphasised the extraordinary contribution that industrial enterprises have made even in a year marked by a thousand difficulties. The opening video explains why industry is in through images of projects realised by member companies of Assoimprenditori Alto Adige,

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24 Maggio 2019

L’Europa è ormai parte integrante della nostra vita di tutti giorni – molto più di quanto ce ne rendiamo conto. Nelle imprese altoatesine, ad esempio, lav...

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